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cell factors中文是什么意思

用"cell factors"造句"cell factors"怎么读"cell factors" in a sentence


  • 人体分泌物或抽取物,如乳汁,胶原及细胞因子


  • Influence of different treatment on cell factor in mice with endotoxemia
  • Stem cell factor , scf
  • Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into myocardial cells promoted by stem cell factors
  • Characteristics of changes of the complement and cell factors in systemic inflammation response syndrome of children
  • Clinical study on relationship between feng syndrome and immune cell factors in initial condition of acute cerebral infarction
  • The cell factors secretion and vascular regeneration by the skele tal muscle satellite cell implanted into infarction myocardium
  • In the signal transduction system , c - kit is in the upstream as the stem cell factor ( scf ) receptor , while c - myc in the downstream as a target protein
    在信号转导系统中, kit是干细胞因子( steelcellfactor , scf )的膜上受体,位于信号级联的上游,而myc处于下游。
  • They did additional studies in test tubes , taking commercially available rat and human dopaminergic cells , exposing them to neurotoxins and then to stem cell factors
  • Animals that receied transplants essentially regained control of their moement , placebo - treated animals did not recoer and those that receied neurotrophic factors , called stem cell factors , recoered partially
  • Half animals were perfused with paraformaldehyte following normal serum after test innnediatly , then removed the brain and fixed for 24 hours with paraformaldehyte , paraffin sections were prepared at 3um , histochemical staining for counting ce11 pro1iferating ratio and in situ hybridization for calculating integra1 scores of stem cell factor inrn positive signals
    结果如下: 1增殖细胞的观察经72h的快眼动睡眠剥夺,实验组大鼠海马齿状回区brdu与p皿a ( proliferatingcellneuclearantigen , pma )阳性标记细胞数显著增加。
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